The theme for the Open 2023 is “Atmosphere”
Please ensure that you read and understand the following:
- All work must relate to the theme
- The exhibition is open to any visual artist living within a 15 mile radius of Poole
- There is a non-returnable fee of £6 per piece entered
- All work must be recent (created in the last two years)
- Art in any medium is welcome: painting, drawing, sculpture, handcrafted prints, and digital or textile art (sorry no photography or video, due to space constraints)
- We would remind entrants that work should not be offensive to family viewing
- You must complete a separate entry form for each work you submit entry form[W11]
- Prize money of £400 will be awarded, distributed at the discretion of the Selector
- Selection will be made digitally by our independent Selector Roger Dell Seddon.
- The Selector’s decision is final – no correspondence will be entered into
- 20% commission will be charged on all artwork sales (except greetings cards)
- All successful entrants must agree to steward the exhibition for at least one half day (e.g. if you have 3 pieces accepted you will be expected to steward for 3 half days)
- All entries will all be made online
- To ensure that your artwork is identifiable - filenames of uploaded photos must match Artwork Title on entry form
- Send payment of £6 per item to PEDAS using one of the following methods: BACS
Account Name - Poole and East Dorset Art Society
Account number - 49285660
Sort code - 30-90-89
Reference - Open followed by your first initial and surname (without spaces)
e.g if your name is Frederick Smith you would use OpenFrederickSmith
if your name is too long to fit the Reference field you can abbreviate it
BUT please ensure that it still recognisable
Made payable to - PEDAS
Post to - PEDAS
c/o P Marshall (Treasurer)
11 Wayground Road
Corfe Mullen, Wimborne
Dorset, BH21 3ED
Please note - submissions fees will not be returned for items that are not selected
Click here for the Entry form for 2023 Open Exhibition
After completing the application form, close the web page to return to The Gallery Upstairs website - Closing date for entries: 15th November 2023